Grape juice stains are a complex stain to treat, since they are oxidisable with pigments that are difficult to lighten and remove completely. It’s important you treat the stain quickly and you use a washing detergent with bleaching agents, like Ariel, that work to remove the stain from the fabric fibres. Be sure the stain is completely removed before placing the item into the drier, otherwise you risk setting the stain. With our Ariel stain solutions you don’t have to worry about removing grape juice stains just follow our simple steps to remove grape juice stains and see outstanding stain removal results with Ariel.

How to remove grape juice stains
Place one Ariel All-in-1 POD into the bottom of your empty drum. For very tough stains, add a second POD. Always make sure to check dosage instructions on your pack.
Load your stained garments on top of the PODS.
Wash on the highest temperature as instructed by your clothes’ care labels.
After the wash cycle is complete, unload the garments immediately.
Effective stain removal on many stains
Grape juice stains aren’t the only visible stains you can get around the house. Ariel can help you with grape juice stain removal and other colourful tough stains, like beetroot stains, crayon stains, or makeup stains with outstanding results in the first wash.
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