Sometimes your washing machine may suddenly start making weird noises while washing your clothing. This can be worrying, so you need to find out why it’s happening. Some noises can develop into serious faults, causing costly damage. So you need to know which to ignore and which to treat.

Most common noises
Trapped coins can make horrendous noises. A little coin is actually a big deal, since it can ruin your machine. Drain the machine, tip it back and forth, and it might fall into the tub so you can pick it out.
When noises occur while the water is draining from the machine check the pump for any stuck buttons or hair grips.
You hear a scraping noise when turning the drum by hand? It’s most likely something that’s got past the seal, like a hairpin. Sometimes it can be easy to remove, if not, your repair man will get it next time, just don’t forget to tell him to check.
Rumbling, very noisy spin
Most often, this is caused by drum bearing failure. One way of testing for this is by spinning the drum by hand. If it’s noisy, the bearings will need to be replaced.
The second, and easier way, of testing is by trying to lift the drum from just behind the top of the door. Usually, the drum should have some movement, but if it moves up and down without resistance, then it’s likely that the bearings have failed.
Very loud noises when turning the drum by hand
If there are loud noises when you turn the drum, it may have split. Otherwise, the spider behind the drum may have broken away, corroded or broken an arm. Again, you’ll need a repair man.
DIY repair is possible
Turn off your machine: and unplug it as well. You can even do that while it is washing, just follow the manual.
Check the rubber door seal and drum: that is the place where coins and hair grips are most probably stuck.
Check the lint filter: some loose items in the machine can work their way down there. Follow the manual.
If you've still not found the culprit: don’t risk it, call a repair man. It is better to let a professional handle the job than to experiment. Same stands for detergents: choose Ariel Automatic Power Gel Original.
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