Whether it’s a new abaya or a beloved old jumper, we all want our clothing to last. How do you keep favourite wardrobe pieces looking new? Make a habit of following these maintenance tips and your clothes will look vibrant for longer

Six ways to give your clothes a longer shelf life
Whether it’s a new party dress or a beloved old jumper, we all want our clothing to last. How do you keep favourite wardrobe pieces looking new? Make a habit of following these laundry maintenance tips and your clothes will look vibrant for longer.
How to preserve your colours. To keep clothing looking fresh and fabrics vibrant, you need a laundry detergent that has a sophisticated cleaning technology that works even at low temperatures. Ariel Washing Gel Colour & Style, Ariel Colour & Style Washing Liquid and Ariel All-in-1 PODS Washing Capsules contain no chlorine bleach and are safe for all of your washable fabrics, getting clothes clean even at 30 degrees, without altering your clothes’ original colours.
Treat stains immediately. When stains happen, act quickly to prevent them from becoming permanent. The longer a stain sits, the harder it is to remove, so soak it with Ariel Original Washing Liquid right away, helping to lift and absorb stains immediately, before washing as normal.
Folding jumpers. Never put a jumper on a hanger. The shoulders will likely become misshapen and the weight of the sweater will pull the sleeves out of its original design. Instead, fold sweaters and store them on top of one another in a dresser or on a closet shelf. Find out more on how to fold a t shirt and a jumper.
Don't spritz perfume on clothes. Perfume is meant to be sprayed on your skin, where it interacts with your body chemistry. Never spray perfume, which often has an alcohol base and chemical fixatives, on clothing. Instead, carefully apply it to your neck and back of wrists before dressing. The same is true with makeup. When wearing high collars or turtlenecks, be careful to avoid rubbing off makeup on clothing.
Follow manufacturers' instructions. Too often we put clothes in the washing machine without looking at those little labels with care instructions sewn into the back of the neck or inside the waistband. They often have valuable tips, such as turning corduroy and denim inside out before washing, washing delicates in cold water only, or avoiding the dryer.
Fix holes in your clothing. That hole in your sock or tear in your cardigan’s elbow is only going to get bigger. If you love that piece of clothing, either mend it yourself or take it to a dry cleaner or a tailor for mending before putting it in the washing machine, which could aggravate the tear and further damage the garment. Also, while washing, make sure to do zippers up to avoid new damage.
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